Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.


POLAR Laser Branch


+62-8123 7858 515


PT.Polar Audio Solution,Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 803610361

Guarantee & Service


All of our products come with a guarantee. The guarantee period and conditions vary depending on the product. Detailed information can be found in the user manual and from your contact person.

Personal contact

If you require assistance or have a complaint about a product, please contact us as your first port of call. The name and direct telephone number of your personal contact person can be found on your invoice. He/she will gladly answer your questions or pass you on to the relevant person where applicable.


General statutory provisions apply to complaints and returns. It is your responsibility to check goods and packaging for defects and transport damage upon receipt. Otherwise, under commercial law, they shall be deemed to be free from defects. Always have the delivery agent confirm any ascertainable damage in writing upon acceptance of the goods and indicate this. Please inform us of any damage within 24 hours of delivery.

Feel free to send us an e-mail with pictures attached in order to explain your complaint in greater detail. This enables us to deal with the matter quicker and easier.

Please address any complaints to your personal contact person as your first port of call. Alternatively, you can also send your complaint in writing by e-mail to your personal contact person or


Please contact us prior to dispatching any returns. This gives us the opportunity to potentially resolve the problem remotely. If a return turns out to be unavoidable, please solely send items to:

PT.Polar Audio Solution,Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 8036103

Please note that we are unable to accept returns for which postage has not been paid or about which we have not been notified in advance.

In order to process returns in a timely manner, please carefully complete the return form and enclose it in the shipment together with the original invoice or a copy there of.

Customised products and items supplied to order, to which we refer explicitly in quotations, are excluded from returns.

Repair service

For products under guarantee, we shall repair or replace the damaged product free of charge. If you wish to use our repair service but your product guarantee has expired, we charge 150.000 IDR for a quotation. This amount is offset against the repair costs if you choose to accept our offer.